This report is update for Indian Sesame Seeds New Crop 2015 Forecast Report published on August 24 2015
This year Indian Sesame Seeds New sowing was done in large acreage because of last year Indian sesame seeds yielded good prices to farmers and current new crop 2015 is being harvested in good quantity compared to last year because of favorable climate and step by step rainfall. During last year there was very less demand of Sesame Seeds which led to decline in prices and it is estimated that last year stocks are still available in good quantity and it will get carry forwarded this year. New Crop 2015 arrivals has been started and will start in full swing within next 15 – 20 days which will lead to further price reduction of Sesame Seeds, so it is advised to wait for a month to procure which will increase your margin of profit for good quality Indian sesame seeds. We are sure if demand remains less as last year market will go further down by USD 200/MT from current rates. At present traders are offering USD 70/MT less then current rates for new crop 2015 for October 2015 future delivery, if climate still remains favorable till harvesting gets completed the output will increase and quality will be very good comparing to previous year
From our above analysis and situation it can be seems that Indian Sesame Seeds prices will further go down
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